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Welcome to my utterings. Some are light, some heavy. But, all I hope will resonate and provoke an emotion and maybe a response!

Pages This and that and much ado!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

End death by hunger


A child dies every 5 seconds from hunger; please help stop this. We live on a very waste strewn planet; not the planet's fault, but stupid careless action on behalf of the people who know no better. In a world where there is so much waste spare a thought for those who have no waste. These unfortunates have no water, no food and no hope unless you do something about it. Change.org have some of the answers. Change the way you think, change the way you behave and make that change count where it matters; change the lives of 6.7million children each year and let them live!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'm flabbergasted, outraged and insulted by the attitude of the church in general, and the clergy directly; how dare you!? What is your understanding of moral responsibility, good conduct and ethical behaviour??? You have been economical rather than ecumenical with regard to what constitutes honesty in your dealings with the people, the press, the police and the country. What is "mental reservation" but the withholding of evidence, what is the statement that "I was not the designated person to report the matter to the authorities" but turning a blind eye and washing ones hands of the affair! What is the statement "I was not directly criticized in the report" but a dog skulking away with tail between legs! What is the statement "no, we had no obligation under Irish law to tell the Gardai anything-that there's no statute or common law to require us to do so" but blatant in your face F..k you we are bishops and there fore immune from your accusations and scrutiny. How dare you in your purple tights and long black frocks barefacedly tell us you are innocent of any wrong doing! You will descend into the hell you all so richly deserve and there along with the Brendan Smiths of this world you can chew the fat of lies you lived with the devil, but your term in this life as a minister of Christ is at an end.

Ireland's H S E

Is Ireland's health service in need of a medical check up? well, certainly the Metropolitan City of Tallaght Hospital is overdue a check on it's own health as a service provider; but lest we misdiagnose the problem and fail to prescribe a satisfactory cure we should look hard and deep at the symptoms. I have been in and out of the hospital my self over the past few months, and I have to say that the problem is not altogether internal; the service received my me and those I spoke with is above reproach, so the cancer is not malignantly eating away from the inside. Rather it is lack of topical application to bolster it's immunity. The hospital is vulnerable to contagion from non intervention, as parasites that should long ago have been eradicated to protect it at the incubation stage continue to tear down the very fabric of it's immune system. The M.H virus in particular has had a cuckoo like effect on the very nesting foundation of the patient, leaving it vulnerable at it's very heart to attack from this particular strain, who having laid it's eggs, then scarpers with no sense of responsibility or acceptance of any blame for the disease left in it's wake. So the solution! The M.H virus has to be eradicated. This is no easy task. The M.H virus is armour plated, and, seems to be itself immune to most antiseptic solutions. However, a cure may be insight. The benign FG bacteria while not wholly a green solution could work at eradicating the Progressive M.H virus once and for all, it would be a laborious process but it would be worth the fall to heal the wounds of the Hospital and put it back where it belongs health wise.